"Danger Mouse's new project Dark Night Of The Soul consists of
an album length piece of music by Danger Mouse, Sparklehorse
and a host of guest vocalists, along with a collection of
original David Lynch photography inspired by and based on the
music. The photographs, which provide a visual narrative for
the music, are compiled in a limited edition, hand numbered
100+ page book which will now come with a blank, recordable
CD-R. All copies will be clearly labeled: "For Legal Reasons,
enclosed CD-R contains no music. Use it as you will."

"Here's where an interesting copyright law wrinkle might step in -- if 
the blank CD-R is a royalty-paid "music CD-R," then the copies made by 
fans (whether made from NPR or P2P) would be legal under 17 U.S.C. 1008 
<http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap10.html#1008>, which provides 
that no infringement lawsuit may be "based on the noncommercial use by a 
consumer of [a digital audio recording] medium for making digital 
musical recordings." Digital audio recording medium (DARM) is defined to 
include "music CD-Rs" on which a royalty is paid to copyright owners."   

No less interesting is the fact that this nose-thumbing blank CD is 
supplied together with a presumably tightly-copyrighted limited edition 
book of photographs.

Amalyah Keshet

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