We occasionally cluster a group of works together and do one label, ie. Top to 
bottom is ....

It might be the easiest thing to do these labels manually and record the text 
in your database.

Otherwise you may be working very hard to create something that may cause 
problems later.

Frank Thomson, Curator
Asheville Art Museum
PO Box 1717
Asheville, NC 28802
fthomson at ashevilleart.org

-----Original Message-----
From: mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu [mailto:mcn-l-boun...@mcn.edu] On Behalf Of 
Sanford, Robyn
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 2:23 PM
To: Museum Computer Network Listserv
Subject: [MCN-L] Records for displaying unrelated objects together

I have a question for all of you data people out there.


We're going to have a costume show of our permanent collection where mannequins 
will be dressed in complete outfits. This means that there will be objects that 
each have their own individual record in our database on a single mannequin. 
These objects may have had no previous relationship to one another in the past 
(they do not share similar accession numbers, etc, etc...). My dilemma is that 
we use the database to create our labels and of course we want to retain the 
label text in the database for perpetuity.

I am not sure how to do this short of creating a single parent record in the 
database that links to them all, which I do not want to do. Aside from the 
expected questions of what number am I supposed to give a record like that, I 
also don't think it is a good policy to implement as users would be inclined to 
update the label text on the record for the labels and not the objects 
themselves. Or if they were so good to update everything, well then they are 
just duplicating data across 2 or more records which just seems unnecessary.


Has anyone had to deal with this before or have any ideas? We use Mimsy by the 


Robyn Sanford

Associate Registrar, Database Manager and Special Projects






T 323 857 4769

F 323 857 6213

E rsanford at lacma.org <mailto:rsanford at lacma.org> 





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