We just installed museum-wide wi-fi.  We split the access into two: 
MIA_wireless for public and MIA_Internal for staff.
The MIA_wireless goes out a separate DSL line and does not have access to our 
internal network.  We are working on adding a page where a user agrees to terms 
of use before connecting.  (We have the wording from our attorney).  This is 
similar to most hot spots.
The MIA_Internal gives full access to our internal network.  The I.S. 
department is the only one with the security credentials.  We are putting these 
on MIA owned laptops.  If anyone wants access from a personal device, we review 
the appropriateness of the request and enter the credentials on the device.  We 
do not publish the security credentials or make them available outside our 
Smart phones, staff or public, connect to the public network as they do not 
have the software for our internal network and systems.

>>> On 6/15/2010 at 4:25 PM, in message 
>>> <E3DDCFAC1C51AE4EB114C688C4DD88AA0151C948 at mail01.ejorg.net>, "Dee 
>>> McConville" <dmcconville at eiteljorg.com> wrote:

To those museums who are offering WiFi service to guests/visitors in
part or all of your building, what are you doing to protect your
institution from legal issues if someone were to use your WiFi for
criminal activities, or is this not a concern?    

Also, any information about how you have your WiFi setup and who can
access it would be helpful.



Dee McConville

Dee McConville

Director of Technology

Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art

500 West Washington Street

Indianapolis, IN  46204

Direct:  (317) 275-1364

Fax:  (317) 275-1464

Email:  dmcconville at eiteljorg.com <mailto:dmcconville at eiteljorg.com> 

Visit our website at:  www.eiteljorg.org <http://www.eiteljorg.org> 

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