We've just made the Smithsonian Commons Prototype live. 

"We think there are four things that, together, will make the Smithsonian 
Commons a unique and powerful tool. The Smithsonian Commons will be vast, 
findable, shareable, and free."

Blog post: 
Direct link: http://www.si.edu/commons/prototype/ 

Think of this as the moment at which we upgraded from kayaks to motorboats in 
our effort to turn the USS Smithsonian in the water.

Please feel free to share this through your social networks, and, of course, to 
tell me what resonates and what we've missed. 
I'm encouraging people to use the simple vote/comment form (that's linked to at 
various points) and to post comments via the blog & twitter (#si20 tag) - - to 
a certain degree, the quantity and nature of comments/feedback will determine 
the urgency and style with which we move forward. 

Many many thanks to so many of you in this mcn-l community for providing 
advice, insight, and support as we've tried to turn these ideas into something 
tangible. (We've got a long way to go!)  

Michael Edson
Director, Web and New Media Strategy
Smithsonian Institution, Office of the CIO
edsonm at si.edu | twitter: @mpedson | m: 202-445-9746 | o: 202-633-8447 

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