We are using Media Bin from Autonomy.


On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 14:20, Beth Heller <bheller at 

> I would like to hear what people are using to organize, identify, search,
> serve and push digital files of all formats, in-house and to the web.  We
> are looking to implement a digital asset management system for our
> organization's working and historic documents, as well as more efficient
> work flows.
> We currently have nothing but a disorganized file and folder system.  We
> are
> a small non-profit institution with limited financial and human resources.
> Thank you!
> Beth
> _
> _
> Beth Heller
> Library Director
> The American Alpine Club
> (303) 384-0110 ext. 21 <lbauer at americanalpineclub.org>
> bheller at americanalpineclub.org
> http://americanalpineclub.org
> http://booksearch.americanalpineclub.org
> http://www.facebook.com/americanalpineclublibrary<
> http://www.facebook.com/pages/American-Alpine-Club-Library/123324141044052
> >
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John R. Bedard  |  Director of Information Systems
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
2400 Third Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55404

612-870-3268  |  JBedard at artsmia.org  |  www.artsmia.org

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