There are lots of things we can track about our websites and about the
ways in which people interact with them. Here are some that matter to

* Downloads of podcasts
* Downloads of lesson plans and other website PDFs
* New pages posted to the website: our blog posts, new articles
* Ways to measure "engagement" or "interactivity": comments/blog post;
updates posted to our encyclopedia; blog comments/page views
* Number of donations made to the organization online: how much
raised, how many people contribute online, mean and median online
* Subscriptions to our e-letters; turnover on the e-letters; % of
e-letters opened; % of e-letters that leads to clicks
* Site visits: unique visits, unique visitors, time on site
* Links to site (google link:); Links to blog posts (technorati)

External sites (these numbers should get big enough to be worth tracking!)
* Mentions on twitter; RTs on twitter; followers on twitter
* Fans of Facebook page; activity on Facebook
* Fans, activity on Flickr exhibits

Etc. We are relying on Google Analytics for most numbers (except for
the absolute site visit numbers, where we continue to use older log
analysis software for now--bigger numbers, and not yet comfortable
that we are capturing everything on GA)

What metrics do other people use? Which provide best info for funders?
What helps you understand best whether or not you are doing a good job
of getting people engaged on the website--or on other relevant social


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