
The Tenement Museum just launched a web-based game about immigration
history: http://www.tenement.org/immigrate


It's aimed at students grades 3-8.  Our hope is that teachers can and
will use it in the classrooms.  Of course, we'd also be pleased if kids
played it at home. And we wouldn't complain if the stray adult poked
around with it.


This was an internship that mushroomed in to something a tad more

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.  

More information is below, if you are interested.  





Jeff Tancil

jtancil at tenement.org

Director of Web/IT

Lower East Side Tenement Museum



Become An Immigrant.  Play From Ellis Island to Orchard Street.


The Tenement Musuem's new interactive game takes you back to 1916...and
on a journey to America.  The game begins in old Europe, where players
create a virtual identity and pack belongings for the trip to New York
City.  Once on the shores of their new country, players experience the
rigorous inspection at Ellis Island and head to their new neighborhood:
the Lower East Side.  


Along the way, players get advice from Victoria Confino, a young Turkish
immigrant who is wise to the ways of America.  Victoria even welcomes
players in to her crowded tenement apartment, where they make choices
about what they will do for money, food and fun in America.



>From Ellis Island to Orchard Street has been designed to provide an
immersive, fun approach to teaching immigration history.  It features:


*       Primary source documents from the early 20th Century 
*       Period photos of Ellis Island and the Lower East Side 
*       360-degree, virtual reality views of Victoria Confino's 1916
tenement apartment. 
*       A passport that players can print and bring to be stamped at the
Tenement Museum
*       Videos of Victoria Confino discussing what it was like to
immigrate and adjust to life in America. 
*       Postcards that players can write, print and send. 



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