(Please excuse cross-postings)
  The Center for History and New Media <chnm.gmu.edu> is excited
   to announce the release of our Object of History/Omeka software
   package--a free, open-source, web publishing application for
   museum educators and curators.
   OOH/Omeka is based on the successful museum education site, The
   Object of History: Behind the Scenes with the Curators of the
   National Museum of American History <objectofhistory.org>.
   Created for small museums and historical societies,
   OOH/Omeka is designed to help those institutions create online
   exhibits and educational websites. OOH/Omeka allows curators and
   museum educators to build meaningful learning experiences
   focused on key items from institutional collections, using
   primary sources, expert interviews, and other assorted
   materials. Most importantly, the OOH/Omeka minimizes the cost
   and technical expertise needed to reach students, teachers, and
   members of the interested public through the web.
   The OOH/Omeka package includes all of the software and structure
   that curators and museum educators need to create their own
   Object Lesson sites, as well as a step-by-step guide to using
   the software and crafting Object Lessons that convey content
   knowledge as well as emphasize historical thinking skills.
   Download the OOH/Omeka Package: <objectofhistory.org>
   Object Lessons form the core of OOH/Omeka websites. Each Object
   Lesson includes sections focusing on the object itself, on the
   object in historical context, and the object in museum context.
   Thus, the Object Lessons are designed to present mediated
   primary sources for student analysis and interactive activities
   that reinforce both content knowledge and historical thinking
   Features for Educators and Curators:
     * The ability to easily create online exhibits using materials
       from museum collections
     * The opportunity to use museum objects as the keystone of
       classroom activities
     * A repository for lesson plans and classroom activities that
       are tied to state standards of learning
     * An Interactive online activity for users to create their own
       virtual exhibits using materials from the Object Lessons
     * Space to publish a guide to analyzing and understanding the
       types of objects featured on in the Object Lessons
     * A platform to host curator and educator podcasts associated
       with the Object Lessons
   [System Requirements: Linux operating system; Apache server
   (with mod_rewrite enabled); Mysql 5.0 or greater; PHP 5.2.x or
   greater; and ImageMagick.]
   The Object of History project is a partnership of the Center for
   History and New Media <chnm.gmu.edu> and the Smithsonian
   National Musuem of American History <americanhistory.si.edu>
   with funding from the Institute for Museum and Library Services
Sheila A. Brennan
Senior Digital History Associate
Center for History and New Media
George Mason University
 <mailto:sbrennan at gmu.edu> sbrennan at gmu.edu 
 <http://chnm.gmu.edu/> http://chnm.gmu.edu

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