This is a fascinating thread. What I find hardest to understand is
"why Second Life"? 

Is it because it provides a large virtual audience - as different
from a website that provides an audience that already knows the
institution? What about Second Life is preferable than developing
an online presence in one's own web space? What is one getting
that wouldn't be gotten otherwise?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: mcn-l-bounces at [mailto:mcn-l-bounces at] On
> Behalf Of Nina Simon
> Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 2:24 PM
> To: Museum Computer Network Listserv
> Cc: Sibley Verbeck; Giff Constable
> Subject: Re: [MCN-L] Are there any real-life museums on Second
> Life?
> It's great to see this whole thread.  While I spend most of my
> time
> developing exhibits for the International Spy Museum, I'm also
> involved
> with the Electric Sheep Company (
> They
> are a fine group of Second Life developers who create all kinds
> of
> Second Life builds, experiences, and events for both non-profits
> and
> for-profit groups.  They built the New Media Consortium campus
> (which
> now has both a public and private presence), which includes a
> library
> and museum, and have created several private and public builds
> with an
> entertainment and education focus.
> As a museum person, I'm excited to see where museums can go in
> Second
> Life.  I was surprised that the "museum" in the NMC virtual
> campus looks
> and feels like a "standard" art gallery architecturally.  The
> true
> virtual museum will not look like a museum or a website--it will
> be
> something else entirely.  There are all kinds of opportunities
> in
> virtual space for us to break out of the physical logistics of
> real-world museums and create content that allows users to
> naturally
> interact with each other and with the content in a meaningful
> way.
> The Holocaust Museum stands out to me as a museum that
> physically
> commands and controls the visitor experience through exemplary
> design.
> On the web, it's very challenging to design a 2D site that can
> evoke the
> same feelings and reactions as a physical space.  Second Life
> gives us
> the opportunity to create powerful 3D spaces that are impossible
> to
> design in the real world.  What does the museum space you've
> always
> dreamed of look like?  In Second Life, it can be created...
> As a content developer, I also love the idea of using Second
> Life as a
> collaborative tool among museums and partners to share ideas,
> mock-up
> real exhibits, and test drive programs.  I'd love to be able to
> go to
> "science museum world" and see what new kinds of demos educators
> are
> doing across the country, whether through streaming video or
> avatar
> scripting.
> To me, the essential question is this:  What CAN'T we do in our
> physical
> museums--due to space, sensitivity of topics, lack of time,
> etc.?  How
> can we use Second Life to create new museum experiences?  And
> ultimately, how will those virtual experiences inform the real
> ones we
> offer our guests?
> If there is interest in these topics (and it sounds like there
> is!),
> perhaps we could use the Museums in Second Life group to have a
> meeting
> sometime in Second Life and discuss our thoughts.
> Nina Simon
> nsimon at
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mcn-l-bounces at [mailto:mcn-l-bounces at] On
> Behalf Of
> Beth Kanter
> Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 5:48 PM
> To: rjurban at; 'Museum Computer Network Listserv'
> Subject: Re: [MCN-L] Are there any real-life museums on Second
> Life?
> Thanks Richard!
> Also, TechSoup is doing an "mixed reality" event - that means
> the event
> will
> take place in the real world at their office as well as inside
> of Second
> Life.  The two locations will be joined via audio/video/chat.
> We have
> some
> speakers from NPOS lined up to do some presenting and we'll do a
> little
> tour
> if the nonprofit directory.
> Here's the info:
> If you want to do the in-world event, RSVP early because they're
> capping
> attendance so the place doesn't crash or get too slow.   Also,
> if you're
> new
> at this, I'll probably do a newbie orientation sometime next
> week or on
> Monday, July 17th.   I'll let you all know.
> Speaking of Museums and Games - there was an interesting panel
> at the
> Games
> for Social Change Conference on that topic as well:
> Beth
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mcn-l-bounces at [mailto:mcn-l-bounces at] On
> Behalf Of
> Richard Urban
> Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 4:44 PM
> To: 'Museum Computer Network Listserv'
> Subject: Re: [MCN-L] Are there any real-life museums on Second
> Life?
> Hi all,
> In the spirit of putting heads together I created the "Museums
> in Second
> Life" group this spring. I haven't had a chance to do much with
> it yet,
> but
> you can find it by searching the SL groups category.  I'm eyeing
> what
> Beth &
> the TechSoup group are doing for examples of how we can do more
> to
> interact
> with each other.
> I'll also take this opportunity to plug the 2006 MCN conference
> where
> I'll
> be moderating a panel called "Modding the Museum: Accessing
> Collections
> through Games" that will feature several panelists who are
> building
> game-based museum interactives.  Hope to see you in the audience
> in
> Pasadena!
> Richard Urban
> Graduate School of Library and Information Science
> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
> rjurban at
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mcn-l-bounces at [mailto:mcn-l-bounces at] On
> Behalf Of
> Swiader, Larry
> Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 3:31 PM
> To: Museum Computer Network Listserv
> Subject: Re: [MCN-L] Are there any real-life museums on Second
> Life?
> Hi Beth,
> We've been doing some thinking here at the Holocaust Museum on
> what a
> presence on Second Life might be like (and mean).  My colleague,
> David
> Klevan (dklevan at, our Education Manager for Technology
> and
> Distance Learning, is at the forefront of that thinking.
> It'd be nice to put our heads together.....
> Regards,
> Larry
> Lawrence Swiader
> Deputy Chief Information Officer
> United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mcn-l-bounces at [mailto:mcn-l-bounces at] On
> Behalf Of
> Beth
> Kanter
> Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 11:48 AM
> To: 'Museum Computer Network Listserv'
> Subject: [MCN-L] Are there any real-life museums on Second Life?
> Hi Folks,
> I've been researching the possibilities for nonprofits on Second
> Life
> (, the virtual world.  I'm
> participating in
> some
> "in-world" projects that TechSoup is organizing around
> nonprofits in SL.
> There will be an event later this month and we're starting to
> compile a
> directory of nonprofits using it.  You can see the directory
> here
> (
> q)
> So far, I've seen some "museums" in second life - created by
> residents,
> but
> not any real life museums there - there may be, but haven't run
> across
> it.
> The San Jose Art Museum is building a virtual Island for display
> of
> virtual
> art works being sought from SL
> The
> event
> will coincide with ZeroOne Festival
> from
> comments in blog post here:
> I'm wondering if any of you are investigating the possibilities
> or doing
> any
> projects.  There a huge community of educators (320) from
> universities,
> some
> teen education projects, a library project, and embryonic
> nonprofit
> presence.  I've written up what I learn on my blog here:
> Beth
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