Hi Renee:

Can I attend this symposium?   It has to do with copyright issues.

Although I may not get the chance to work with Ron and our copyright
project, I'm being optimistic about it.


Lisa Holt  Program Coordinator  202.488.0432
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum


Join us for the 20th Anniversary National Tour and Tribute
to Holocaust Survivors and World War II Veterans.

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 1:34 AM, Amalyah Keshet [akeshet at imj.org.il] <
akeshet at imj.org.il> wrote:

> For those in the Wash. DC area:
> ________________________________
> Join Public Knowledge for conversations on the future of internet,
> communications, and copyright policy.
> From "fixing" TV to copyright reform, we'll discuss obstacles and
> solutions to what are sure to be this year's most interesting policy
> questions. How do we ensure that broadband is a catalyst for growth? That
> the video marketplace has room to grow? That copyright balances the needs
> of creators with the needs of the public?
> These questions go right to the heart of what PK cares about - and is
> working on every day. We hope you can join the debate!
> For a full agenda, check out our events page<
> http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Tx0MFM8y0pWLXp5--URJMW0KeejBft45ZBpFVaJnkqezELLMUSE0aPNoX72pV5DKw9eEYLHDdKGaONpTLFadrqVTkprGik6Jqc30hXr0ipQG2_2XjWI1PYnt9S2ziEBJZRxfkzniEPI78MFSTVlrIGfo23tk-cNhQ08LV1TZcTUfpRA0MTJsBtg-jJOkOqdOSizkX1sklrqZmjlme-dUAuvH2x8Wsg5tT31Ux1698Y9td5cCCsaRQHfJtgDUAnnXSp3L5BSRxvfxIdFovnI5GYf9ji4JnhEeukYQ7av7IPQ=>!
>   http://www.publicknowledge.org/events/
> What: The 2013 PK Policy Symposium
> When: February 26, 2013
> 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
> Where:The Capitol Visitor Center
>  SVC 201-00
> Thanks for your support,
> The Public Knowledge Team    www.publicknowledge.org<
> http://www.publicknowledge.org>
> ________________________________
> Note especially:
> 1:00 - 2:00 pm | Copyright Reform
> A year after the outcry against SOPA, digital technology continues to
> clash in many ways with current copyright law. Beyond the matter of online
> copyright infringement, ordinary users find themselves constrained by legal
> and technical mechanisms that are often based on assumptions about creation
> and copying that are no longer true in today's world. This panel will look
> at a few of the problems facing technology users created by copyright law,
> and explore possible solutions to them.
> Moderated by Gigi B. Sohn, President & CEO, Public Knowledge
> *         Erik Martin, General Manager, Reddit
> *         Tom W. Bell, professor of law at Chapman University, author,
> Copyright Unbalanced
> *         Pamela Samuelson, professor of law at Berkeley Law, University
> of California; Faculty Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
> *         Michael McGeary, Co-Founder, Engine Advocacy
> and:
> 2:00 - 3:00 pm | Digital First Sale
> The first sale doctrine is one of the most important ways that the law
> reconciles the rights of an author in her works with the rights of a
> consumer in his property. As more and more media is sold as digital
> downloads, the line between who owns what can become less clear. Can a user
> give away his ebook collection? Can another leave her iTunes collection to
> a descendant in her will? Our panel will describe the challenges that
> online media bring to digital ownership, and how we can ensure certainty
> for buyers and sellers of digital goods.
> Moderated by Sherwin Siy, VP, Legal Affairs, Public Knowledge
> *         Christina Mulligan, Postdoctoral Associate in Law and Kauffman
> Fellow of the Information Society Project, Yale Law School
> *         Andrew Shore, Executive Director, Owners' Rights Initiative
> ________________________________
> Amalyah Keshet
> Head of Image Resources & Copyright Management
> The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
> Chair, MCN IP SIG
> _______________________________________________
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