hey George

You might want to check out an integrated touchscreen/computer. Elo makes a 
really nice 32inch, that can be mounted fairly easily, doesn't require a full 
size PC, is easy enough to access and update, etc. 

Monitor $1500
Computer $1000

We are using these in a range of applications. Feel free to hit me up off list 
for more info. 

Hope this helps. 


Josh Goldblum
Founder & Creative Director

1011 N. Hancock St. Unit 101
Philadelphia, PA 19123

In the News: Bluecadet awarded two Webby Awards

On Sep 16, 2013, at 11:40 AM, George Scharoun <GScharoun at mfa.org> wrote:

> Has anyone had experience burying an LCD display in a wall, so as to hide the 
> frame and/or crop the image to a desired aspect ratio? Our curators and 
> designers (not responsible for the well-being of the equipment) are keen on 
> the idea, as it will no doubt give the exhibition a nice clean look. However 
> as the technical producer, I feel very uncomfortable putting any piece of 
> equipment someplace I can't get to it, i.e. behind taped and painted seams.  
> Even if you were guaranteed the equipment would have adequate ventilation, 
> would you agree to install equipment without maintenance access?
> The question I'm often asked is, "will you need to get to it?" To which I 
> respond, "I shouldn't, but I might." It's true, but it feels like a flimsy 
> answer, so I'm curious to know how others have handled this situation, or how 
> you would handle it.
> Thanks so much,
> George
> ??
> Technical Producer, Gallery Media
> Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
> gscharoun at mfa.org | 617-369-3512
> http://www.mfa.org
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