
You might want to look at Kiosk Pro Plus.  It is used within Getty exhibitions 
for the same or similar purposes. 


Chris Edwards
Head, Digital Services
Getty Research Institute
CEdwards at

>>> Margaret Collerd <mcollerd at> 9/8/2014 2:45 PM >>>
Hi All,

We are looking to have a listening station in a gallery for an upcoming special 
exhibition. The goal is to load a selection of music for visitors to listen to 
via headphones. I'm struggling with determining a method to load the music on 
the an iPad to give visitors a choice in selecting something to listen to while 
also limiting what they can access. iTunes doesn't seem to be a good match as 
it has too many options/features.

Does anyone have any apps or media players they have used in the past for a 
similar project?


Margaret Collerd | Manager of Digital & In-gallery Interpretation
t 202-387-2151 x372| f 202-232-0308<> | Experience the 
Phillips app 
 and blog<> today

T H E  P H I L L I P S  C O L L E C T I O N
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