On 08/09/2014 22:45, Margaret Collerd wrote:
> We are looking to have a listening station in a gallery for an upcoming 
> special exhibition. The goal is to load a selection of music for visitors to 
> listen to via headphones. I'm struggling with determining a method to load 
> the music on the an iPad to give visitors a choice in selecting something to 
> listen to while also limiting what they can access. iTunes doesn't seem to be 
> a good match as it has too many options/features.
> Does anyone have any apps or media players they have used in the past for a 
> similar project?

This might be over the top, but you might be interested in the project we 
built for the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London:

This was a special exhibition about sonic art; with a very restricted budget, 
we decided to create a website, app and kiosk without a CMS - all the audio 
files and metadata, including artist descriptions and photos, were entered in 
SoundCloud; and the ICA's Twitter feed was used to select the featured artist 
of the day!

This video shows the installation version of the kiosk using an embedded iPad:
(from around 1:08)

Essentially this is a simple (but beautiful, and adapted to the exhibition's 
branding) responsive website/webapp; the installed iPads in gallery used a 
slightly different URL to get something very close to the version of the 
interface served to mobiles (simpler, chunkier interface) rather than the one 
normally served to tablets.  We used Kiosk Pro to present the app full screen, 
and a metal fitting which hid the iPad's physical controls.

You can check out the interface for yourself here:

(try it on desktop, mobile, tablet).  The kiosk iPads were pointed at this URL 

Some more technical details are here

Hope this helps,


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