I hope this will help. 

Some of the questions issued below come to us after reading some of the
articles already mentioned.

In the Photographic Documentation Division of the Portuguese Board of
Museums, working for the last 4 years in a imaging information system,
we think no one can say there are reference standards for digitizing
photographic material.

Surely you are aware that digitizing is a process so hungry of
specialized resouces, so it hardly can be duplicated.

There a number of questions that, in our point of view, are crucial to
the whole project and preceed the definition of standards:

What is the volume of suports to digitize?
What are the actual retrieval necessities?
What will be the retrieval necessities of the Institution in 5-10
What are the human, material and storage resources involved?
What human, material and storage resources will be available in
medium-long term?
Does the IIS manager have the answers to this questions?
Does the board of directors of your Museum are aware of this issues?

After finding the answer to this and other questions that specifically
will pose to your museum, the number of bytes, pixels, layers, etc.
i.e. standards will became easier to figure.

>From our experience in trial and error we think there must be a full
commitement of the whole institution in the project. In our case it was
the only way to deal with the digitization of almost 50 thousands
4X5inch transparencies of artworks of the portuguese museums over the
last 4 years.

Paulo Baptista

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