Forwarded for a friend -    this is today  - pacific time....

Suzanne Quigley

Date:    Wed, 2 Mar 2005 15:04:33 -0800
From:    "Conover, Linda" <>
Subject: Offsite volunteers needed for website testing tomorrow March 3

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We are looking for external volunteers to help test a new website version tomorrow from your computer. We need to test the performance of this site
to make sure it won't crash etc when multiple users log in and perform
certain user commands at the same time from the outside. This testing will
require you to participate in a group conference call with our network
manager in which he will give you step-by-step instructions to follow. If you are not available, perhaps you can forward this message to your systems people. This is an opportunity for anyone interested in website development to see how a site performance test is conducted. Interns or volunteers may
also participate.   No special computer expertise is required.

If you can help out, kindly email me by 9 am Thursday 3/3 with your phone number and type of computer you use. We will contact you. Thanks for your
help, and sorry for the short notice!

Renee Montgomery

Assistant Director, Collections Management and Information

Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Ph 323 857-6059;

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