Dear Colleague:
As you may already know, the U.S. Copyright Office is soliciting
formal comments from the public on the problem of "orphan" works
(  The College Art
Association has joined the Association of Research Libraries and a
number of other groups to develop a joint filing.  If successful, this
initiative could significantly help artists, scholars, and others who
use copyrighted images and texts in their creations and writings.
CAA is moving forward quickly with this task- with a very short
deadline: March 14, 2005.  In order to make a strong case to the
Copyright Office, we need anecdotes - as many as you can think of -
about specific instances where scholars or artists have had difficulty
using copyrighted materials because the copyright holder cannot be
CAA has created a webpage, describing the initiative and asking for
personal anecdotes or experiences from scholars and artists.  The
webpage includes a question and answer submission form.  You do not
need to be a member of CAA to complete this submission form.  The page
is located at
I urge you to visit the webpage and add your personal anecdotes about
your experiences with "orphan" works and their effects on your
creative endeavors.  Please also feel free to send this page to as
many people as you know who may have been affected by the
inaccessibility of a rights holder.  Should you have any questions
about this initiative, please feel free to contact me.
In case you are not familiar with the College Art Association, here's
some background information:
Founded in 1911, the College Art Association...
* Promotes excellence in scholarship and teaching in the history and
criticism of the visual arts and in creativity and technical skill in
the teaching and practices of art.
* Facilitates the exchange of ideas and information among those
interested in art and history of art.
* Advocates comprehensive and inclusive education in the visual arts.
* Speaks for the membership on issues affecting the visual arts and
* Provides opportunities for publication of scholarship, criticism,
and artists' writings.
* Fosters career development and professional advancement. Identifies
and develops sources of funding for the practice of art and for
scholarship in the arts and humanities.
* Honors accomplishments of artists, art historians, and critics.
* Articulates and affirms the highest ethical standards in the conduct
of the profession.
CAA includes among its members those who by vocation or avocation are
concerned about and/or committed to the practice of art, teaching, and
research of and about the visual arts and humanities. Over 13,000
artists, art historians, scholars, curators, collectors, educators,
art publishers, and other visual arts professionals are individual
members. Another 2,000 university art and art history departments,
museums, libraries, and professional and commercial organizations hold
institutional memberships.
The association is governed by a 25 person Board of Directors, elected
by the membership, representing the fields' diverse constituencies and
geographic regions. Membership is open to all individuals with an
interest in art, art history, or a related discipline, whether by
vocation or avocation. CAA encourages the inclusion among its
constituencies of qualified individuals representing a diversity of
race, religion, gender, national origin, sexual preference, physical
disability, and age in employment, education, exhibition, programmatic
opportunities, and the awarding of grants and prizes in the public and
private art sectors.
College Art Association
275 Seventh Avenue
New York, New York 10001
(212) 691 - 1051
(212) 627 - 2381 (fax)

Christine L. Sundt
Visual Resources Curator
University of Oregon
Architecture & Allied Arts Library
Lawrence Hall - Room 300
1190 Franklin Boulevard
Eugene, OR 97403-5239 - U.S.A.

v: 541/346-2209
f: 541/346-2205
email: (or
Copyright & Art Issues -

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