Annual Symposium on Intellectual Property

The Center for Intellectual Property at the University of Maryland
University College is interested in advertising this educational symposium
for interested educators and administrators. We would greatly appreciate
your posting the message below to your listserv or promoting this
opportunity within your networks. Thank you.


[Please excuse the inevitable duplication of this notice.]


5th Annual Symposium on Intellectual Property

Pirates, Thieves and Innocents: Perceptions of Copyright Infringement in the
Digital Age

June 16-17, 2005

Hosted by the University of Maryland University College and being held at
the UMUC Inn and Conference Center in Adelphi, MD

The 2005 CIP Symposium will explore a few of the various ways in which
individuals and organizations think and talk about copyright infringement in
our digital age and what actions they take based upon those perceptions. The
symposium will focus on issues relevant to the higher education community
and the delivery of quality copyrighted content. Facilitating our
exploration, discussion, and reflection will be representatives from the
academy, library, law, corporation, nonprofit organization, technology
sector, and Capitol Hill.

Topics to be addressed by speakers and panelists will include:
-The Impact of Copyright Law and Policy on Academic Culture -Regulatory
Copyright: How Will Universities be Affected? 
-P2P File Sharing: Pirates or Revolutionaries? 
-Culture and Copyright: A Creative Clash? 
-Copyright Infringement in the Digital Age: What Universities Need to Know
-The Copyright Legislative Landscape -Responses to Copyright Infringement at
University Campuses: Best Practices 
Participants will include: Clifford Lynch (Coalition for Networked
Information); Jonathan Band (Morrison & Foerster LLP); Robert Brauneis
(George Washington University Law School); Jon Baumgarten (Proskauer Rose
LLP); Mark Luker (Educause); Patrick Ross (Progress & Freedom Foundation);
Gigi Sohn (Public Knowledge); Siva Vaidhyanathan (New York University); Alec
French (Office of Congressman Howard L. Berman).

Register early since space is limited. Early registration (before May 16,
2005) is $275. Regular registration is $350. Please visit the website for
details and other affiliation discounts. 

For more information and to register online, visit
Jack Boeve
University of Maryland University College Center for Intellectual Property

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