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Greetings all, and hello from a newly signed-on member to this list.

I am trying to assist our folks here in thinking and planning out future multimedia projects. These projects could include, but are not limited to websites [large-scale as well as 'micro-sites' for exhibitions], kiosk-based in-gallery multimedia, audio tours,
Powerpoint or Keynote presentations, etc.

We currently do not have a staff member that is charge of creating these, and as I am the lead for technology here, I am trying to get some ideas as to how other museums [that are our size] are handling the multimedia question. We have about 30 staff members, 4 of which reside in our "Publications" department. The "Computing and Technology" department here consists of myself, another part-time database manager,
and some student assistance.

I can certainly assist with the tech part of the equation - but not in the content
writing and planning.

So, for multimedia projects that you do - who prepare the content?
Curators of an exhibition? The education department, in charge of outreach and teaching?

Once the content has been developed, then who does the actual creation of the multimedia product? In-house staff? Contracted multimedia specialists? Or
maybe even student employees?

I have a few ideas on how we might look to approach this, from a process-end - but am
interested in how other institutions are currently handling this.

Thanks in advance for your time, and consideration!

    brian cors
    system administrator

    university of michigan museum of art
    525 south state street
    ann arbor, mi  48109-1354    usa

    [work]    1.734.647.0529
    [ fax]    1.734.764.3731
    [ web]    www.umma.umich.edu

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