Hi all,

I stumbled across today. I've seen discussion about "alternative" tour 
companies before, curious to see what reaction this gets.  With the growth of 
personal digital music players, blogging, podcasting, etc.  I curious about 
whether we'll see more of this kind of "unofficial" audio guides to our 

Introducing Slate Audio Tours
"....Museums, historical sites, and the companies that produce their audio 
tours aren't completely honest with you. They can't very well say things like 
"critics think this work is terrifically overrated, but we keep it on the wall 
because we sell a thousand posters of it a day," or "we know this sketch looks 
profoundly boring, but here's why it's the most interesting thing you'll see 
all day," or "we only hang this painting here because old Mrs. Dimbledumble 
wouldn't have donated the new East Wing otherwise...."

-Richard Urban

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