On behalf of the entire MCN family, may I express great delight and relief that reports of Chuck's demise were, like those of Mark Twain's, greatly exaggerated.

We can't wait to hear Chuck's post-Katrina take on museum disaster plans. Right?

Can't resist relating the story of how some of us knew that Chuck had gotten out in time and was okay. It has deeply philosopical implications for the database-software industry, as well as serving as further proof that Google is omniscient. Desperate for news about Chuck's fate, it dawned on me to stop being helplessly anachronistic and to simply Google him. You never know. Lo and behold, this appeared:

"To those who know MINISIS Inc well, The Collection (Historic New Orleans) has been a long time client and friend of MINISIS Inc. With the recent devastation from Hurricane Katrina, we send out our well wishes to all of the staff at the Collection to pray that they are okay and that New Orleans will return to normality soon. We were overjoyed today to learn that Chuck Patch and Carol Bartels (and their families) were able to evacuate the City before Katrina hit the coast and that they are safe." http://www.minisisinc.com/

Finding someone after a natural disaster via a museum's database supplier may be a first.

Thanks to the people at MINISIS, and every fervent wish from all of us that Chuck and his family and his museum will ride this out and get back to drinking Bourbon during coffee breaks, or whatever it is they do down there.

Amalyah Keshet
Head of Image Resources & Copyright Management
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

----- Original Message ----- From: "Chuck Patch" <chuck.pa...@gmail.com>
To: <mcn-l@mcn.edu>
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 6:54 PM
Subject: I'm not dead yet!

Just a note to indicate that I am fine, in Philadelphia with friends
(may be looking for Bill Weinstein) and have a new email address:

Our staff is now in at least 8 different states and we have been
connecting through a Google group. Recovery plans are being
forumulated but most of us are trying to get our feet on the ground at
the moment.

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