Wow. You like me, you really like me! It feels like we've been reallyreally 
busy, but haven't seemed to do much of anything. Last ThursdayI set up a Google 
group for our staff, since the mail isdown, and about 27 people have 
checked in. More are coming on everyday. We're working from there.
Terribly self-indulgent, but it saves time to send you to the familyweb-site 
for an
There's also a little bit of descripton at
On 9/6/05, Amalyah Keshet <> wrote:> On behalf of the entire 
MCN family, may I express great delight and relief> that reports of Chuck's 
demise were, like those of Mark Twain's, greatly> exaggerated.> > We can't wait 
to hear Chuck's post-Katrina take on museum disaster plans.> Right?> > Can't 
resist relating the story of how some of us knew that Chuck had gotten> out in 
time and was okay.> It has deeply philosopical implications for the 
database-software industry,> as well as serving as further proof that Google is 
omniscient.  Desperate> for news about Chuck's fate, it dawned on me to stop 
being helplessly> anachronistic and to simply Google him. You never know. Lo 
and behold, this> appeared:> > "To those who know MINISIS Inc well, The 
Collection (Historic New Orleans)> has been a long time client and friend of 
MINISIS Inc. With the recent> devastation from Hurricane Katrina, we send out 
our well wishes to all of> the staff at the Collection to pray that they are 
okay and that New Orleans> will return to normality soon. We were overjoyed 
today to learn that Chuck> Patch and Carol Bartels (and their families) were 
able to evacuate the City> before Katrina hit the coast and that they are 
safe.">> > Finding someone after a natural disaster 
via a museum's database supplier> may be a first.> > Thanks to the people at 
MINISIS, and every fervent wish from all of us that> Chuck and his family and 
his museum will ride this out and get back to> drinking Bourbon during coffee 
breaks, or whatever it is they do down there.> > > > Amalyah Keshet> Head of 
Image Resources & Copyright Management> The Israel Museum, Jerusalem> > > ----- 
Original Message -----> From: "Chuck Patch" <>> To: 
<>> Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 6:54 PM> Subject: I'm not 
dead yet!> > > > Just a note to indicate that I am fine, in Philadelphia with 
friends> > (may be looking for Bill Weinstein) and have a new email address:> >> >> > Our staff is now in at least 8 different states 
and we have been> > connecting through a Google group. Recovery plans are 
being> > forumulated but most of us are trying to get our feet on the ground 
at> > the moment.> >> > Chuck> > b箷\&vryVjG:)鹻&iGj)Wg]nXǽqj> > > > ---> You 
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