Hi everybody,

I am looking for those amongst you who will be attending the AAM conference
in Boston this year, and who might be willing to take an hour out of their
schedule to staff the MCN Booth. All that would be expected of you is
(a) your physical presence during the hour(s) you've committed to and (b)
enough enthusiasm about MCN so you can get people excited about who we are
and about attending the annual conference. Let's just say if you've ever
been to an MCN conference, you qualify! :-)

For those of you who've never done this sort of thing before, sitting at a
booth can be quite fun since you start chatting with people whom you
otherwise would never have met! It's also a great way to get involved in
MCN and helping the organization grow and flourish. ***Please seriously
consider volunteering for an hour, we desperately need people to help us
staff the booth!***

Opening hours for the exhibit hall are as follows:
Fri April 28: 12noon - 4:00pm
Sat April 29: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Sun April 30: 10:00am - 2:00pm

Please let me know what date / time you can make, and I'll coordinate the
effort - no need to reply to the
list, just e-mail me directly.


Günter Waibel
MCN Board of Directors


Günter Waibel
Program Officer/RLG
2029 Stierlin Court, Suite 100, Mountain View, CA  94043 USA
voice: +1-650-691-2304 | fax: +1-650-964-1461
blog: www.hangingtogether.org

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