Hello All,

I'm a museum studies student with an interest in web. Therefore, when given
the chance to do a term project I choose to build an experimental website.
The site consists of a gallery of 21 images and then 23 questions.

I would like to request that you take a few moments and take the survey at:

I'll tell you a little bit about it, but I don't want to bias your
responses, so if you'd like more info please contact me directly after
completing it. 

I am trying to measure how the visual treatment of an object affects the
audience's ability to remember details about it. I think this question could
have a lot of relevance both in galleries and for museums online. I've
posted a series of images with different visual treatments and followed up
with some hard questions about the details. The questions are deliberately
hard because I'm trying to focus on the subtle learning that people do. Some
of the questions might seem off-topic or silly but each one is measuring
something specific.

I welcome all feedback, but please be kind (constructive criticism would be
great). I'm a part-time student with a full-time job and this is my first
attempt at such an online project for museums. I would have loved to have
done more; however, I think there will be some interesting data generated
and that this project is a good starting point for future research.

Many Thanks, Tara England

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