Just want to point out that there's yet another discussion
going on in news.software.readers about MD-II's handling of
References. Maybe it's time to fix it...

news.software.readers, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(it started before that article, but because of MD-II, I can't
trace it further back).
"Re: More bad References headers (was: Re: The C64 was crap!)"

An older thread (from around 23 Mar 1999) in
news.software.readers,comp.sys.amiga.datacomm, starting around
"Re: MicroDot-II/AmigaOS 0.198 Non-compliant"

Might be easiest to find them via http://www.dejanews.com/forms/mid.shtml

These threads are about older versions of MD-II, but as far as I
can see, nothing has been done to fix the problems, so it's exactly
the same with 1.3.


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