Hello Mike

On 11-Mag-99, you wrote:

>> Today it was hilarious, as it told me that it couldn't find Miami but,
>> OTGH, it downloaded the MOTD from the Vapor site! B-)))
> ARexx: Unlocking "Nexus_000:Terminus"
> I have no idea what's causing this, except I've read that the NC2
> version does not like using Miami and wants Genesis.  On the other
> hand people have made it work with Miami, so....  But why is it trying
> to access terminus -- isn't it a terminal program?  Surely it being
> running would cause a conflict with Miami.

Yep, it is the terminal program I am using, but it is NOT active (I have
stopped using it with Telser since Olli made Amtelnet in a usable
program... B-))) I use it to connect directly to a BBS, but it is NOT
active when I connect to the 'net... Dunno... (Boh in Italian B-)))
> I run the non-NC2, vapor version (1.3) with Miami (not delux) on both
> my A3000 and my wife's A2000 without problems.  Miami is registered.

I've tried the NC2 version with both Miami Deluxe and Miami, zip....
Emilio Desalvo

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