Targhan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I finished the "MDMaster" arexx script for MicroDot.  It should appear
> on the aminet in a few days, but I also uploaded it to my website:
> www.geocities.com/targhan_aga/
> The lister can now appear on a named public screen, and the "cancel
> message" can be disabled.  I don't know of too many ARexx scripts for
> MicroDot, but the lister's search function works--and it uses amiga
> wildcards.  I hope it helps some folks until a new MicroDot beta shows
> up, but I am looking foreward to the new V right now ;-)

Thanks. I have added a link to your Amiga projects to my page linked below
for those who keep a watch on my page. Always looking for stuff to add to my
Amiga page so it is easier for Amiga fans to find software and support for
their beloved systems.

Member of Team AMIGA

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