Using the latest version 1.4.17.  I suspect this is an old bug I hadn't
noticed before rather than a new one, however the latest version does seem
to be a tad more unstable when writing/queueing messages.

An email with one very long line of text, wrapped automatically on to
several lines by MD2, causes a crash when clicking follow-up. (don't have
any error numbers, just gives me a rather fetching magenta screen which I
have to reboot again to get out of)

I assume this is just MD2 expecting max line lengths of around 100 and
overflowing the allocated memory with longer lines (the email I tried to
reply to was more like 1000 chars), maybe when it tries to quote the
message.  I tried it twice, as I occasionally get a crash when clicking
queue/send after composing an email (it tends to put it in »SPOOL before it
crashes fortunately - error #80000003 IIRC), but this happened before I
even got to see the message write window.  

It would be nice if MD2 split up long line lengths before doing the quoting,
so you get sensible quoting rather than one long line with a quote symbol
which instantly breaks up if you type in it.  This breaking up should
happen before the quoting really.

MD2 is a nice program, it is a shame there are so many bugs in it.


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