In a nifty summary, Magic wrote the following:
MP3 is a good format, and it has a lot of practical uses, but like any
freely available technology it is open to abuse. What seems evident from
this topic, is that a large number of MD users seem to be very
and hate MP3 simply because it dared to step into the same area as MD. MD
has one very distinct advantage over MP3 though: If you want to use MD
*only* need the MD recorder. If you want to use MP3 players, which are
so-called competition, you need a computer and suitable software. MD is
much a stand alone audio solution, whereas MP3 players are just toys for
computer buffs. The danger comes from if they make MP3 recorders as
stand-alone units requiring no extra hardware.

My response:
I agree. I think one of the biggest problems with MP3 is that it is just
too complicated and requires too much work. MD is straightforward, where
MP3 just requires too much from the user, I believe.

Admittedly, one of the reasons I dislike MP3 so is that it is slowing
down MDs success. True, MD is doing relatively well (so I hear). But we
want it to become mainstream. We KNOW everybody will like it, but
everybody is still ignorant.

As I stated once before, I don't want to depend upon my computer for my
music. It should all be able to be managed through my stereo, thank you
very MUCH!  :-)  Yes, MP3 has it's advantages, but one question keep
gnawing at me concerning it: Why? (That's a rhetorical question, BTW.)

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