Apologies for the very bad joke attempt in the "subject" field.

I've been following this ongoing "what happens to a sine wave of
say 22.05KHz that goes through ATRAC" thread, and something
has just sprung to mind now that I didn't intend asking a minute ago.

What if a 22.05KHz sine wave is recorded such that the 44.1KHz
sampling points fall exactly (or close to) where the waveform is near
zero.  Won't it just sample zero or next to zero every time, such that
regardless of sampling methods or filtering, the end result will be
a zero (or near zero) output?  I do appreciate the generally accepted
limit of human hearing is about 16KHz so it shouldn't really matter.

Is the limit of human hearing 16KHz or are teenagers who haven't
blasted their ears at rock concerts able to hear to 18KHz or even
higher?  I'd always been led to believe 16Khz was the accepted
maximum, and about 16Hz the minimum.  It was quite some time
ago I read that so perhaps it's out of date now.

Whilst I understand [or am content with my interpretation of] how 1-bit
or bitstream, 16-bit and 20-bit or however many bits you want works,
and also various sampling rates and the implications of them, mainly
thanks to replies to my own and other's enquiries here, the whole
oversampling thing still bugs me.

I may be grabbing the wrong end of the stick with the whole oversampling
thing here, but while I understand why 1-bit conversion would be helped
by clocking the converter faster effectively smoothing the output, what
can be done with a 16-bit converter by sampling it repeatedly?  Is a
wider bit-width employed and/or interpolation used to make it easier
on the following analog filters?  I know for a fact that my ancient Goodmans
portable CD (16-bit, no oversampling probably) sounded awful while
playing the high-pitched screech at the end of the Beatles Sgt. Peppers.
My home CD player (1-bit, unspecified oversampling) plays it fine.

On a slightly different subject, I think the 96KHz 24bit audio of DVD is
just plain overkill.  I reckon 99% of us couldn't tell the difference 'tween
it and CD, or even R-Type ATRACed MD, except possibly the friend of
the golden-eared guy (Australian I think) who could recognise different
ATRACs at fifty paces :-P

PrinceGaz -> thinks ATRAC 3 sounds fine, but does enjoy R-Type esp.
after I finally suss out level 4 again.

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