
Does anyone know whether there is a way to 'overwrite' an existing minidisc
track so that the original track numbering is maintained?

I want to be able to 'replace' one item for another and not disrupt the
numbering or audio material recorded on any of the other tracks.

This seems like a simple requirement but I have found it is not.

Instead what seems to happen is that:

(a)     if the new recording is longer than the old then the new recording
overwrites not only the intended track but all subsequent tracks;  and

(b)     if the new recording is shorter than the old then an extra track is
created and all subsequent track numbers are incremented by one.

In other words the system is thinking as would an analogue cassette format.
I would have thought it was possible (and in most circumstances much better)
for the system to think as would typical PC files.

Does anyone have any ideas on this, or suggestions as to how I might be able
to achieve the result. Maybe I am doing something wrong?

Regards to all


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