At 07:34 PM 09/08/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>       If anyone has experience with recording live show with Core's cheap
>binaural's I am looking for some help.  I recorded a live show in a
>club(somewhat loud), and the sound that I got was terrible.  It was
>extremely muffled, enormous bass boom, and poor treble.   Things sounded
>pretty good between songs(clapping, talking, ect), but as soon as the music
>started it went to hell.  Do I just need a battery box?   Does anybody know
>of plans to make one yourself??

I had the levels set so there was no clipping on the VU meter.  Even during
playback the meter rarely goes above -4db and I don't think ever hit 0 db.
BTW I am using a Sharp 821.

  How about plans for that homemade battery box?????  with roll off filter???


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