Keith Rowland wrote about Art Bell,

| Art uses his Sony MD unit to prerecord and then playback his commercial spots.
| At each break, he simply sets up the "programmed play" feature to select the
| spots needed for that half hour. He has all of the commmercial spots needed
| recorded on one minidisc.
| Here's one problem that maybe those on the list could help us with. When
| playing back a "programmed play list" there seems to be a 2 second or so delay
| between plays of the tracks. This has caused uncounted number of flub-ups of
| Art jumping in between the playback of spots, thinking the playback is over.
| Is there a way to keep each of the tracks, tight up against each other, so
| that when the unit is seeking to the next track for playback, there is NO
| silence gap?

There shouldn't be a silent gap unless there is silence recorded as part of
the track.  The read-ahead buffer is supposed to eliminate silence during
seek time.

If there are a lot of seeks in a very short period, yes, the buffer can be
overtaxed and there may be a silence, but surely each commercial is at least
fifteen seconds long, and we should hope that there are no seeks in the
middle of any commercial (that is, each one is a contiguous disc recording),
so that shouldn't be a problem.

Keith, you never specified which Sony model Art uses.  Also, it is unclear
(at least to me) whether you're talking about a number of commercials to
be played in succession during a single commercial break, or about commer-
cials to be played during different breaks.  You said "for that half hour";
how many commercial breaks are there per half hour?  If there are more than
one, and he programs all the breaks for a half hour at once, somehow, at
the last commercial of each break, he's going to have to get the machine to
go silent when it finishes that spot before moving on to the first spot for
the next break.

Is the machine a deck with Auto-Space, and is Auto-Space turned on?  Auto-
Space is a feature on playback that makes the machine wait three seconds
between each two tracks it plays; it is designed for leaving spaces between
tracks when you copy an MD to cassette.  Can he program one break's commer-
cials at a time and then program those for the next break while he's playing
music again?  Then he could turn off Auto-Space entirely.

It would really help a lot of you tell us which model he's using, if you can
find out.  Thank you.

| My guess would be to EDIT the ORDER of the tracks, so it's a continuous
| playback, but the order keeps changing each hour and it's easier at this
| point to program which one's he needs for each segment.

No, that's too much trouble.  It should be done by simply selecting the
right track numbers to program.  But make sure that the tracks themselves
don't include any spurious leading or trailing silence.

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