Richard Anderson wrote:

> There is a little strip on the back of the disc, if it says 'Made in E.U'
> it's an MPO made Memorex, if it says nothing ( blank), it's made in
> Korea....(for some reason that plant does not print the origin on the disc.)
>   There! That wasn't TOO difficult for you, was it?

It wouldn't be if I had the disc to look at, but as I don't it's impossible for
me to say what is printed on that little strip!

> The scan below it on that web-page is the MPO style disc.  This is not the
> same as your disc, correct?

There were a few discs of that type mixed in with the type I have in the shop
stock, and they *did* all arrive in the same package from the warehouse. The
discs I had were all of the type in the top picture on the web page you sent,

> Perhaps Arnaud, as sales manager for MPO, knew that none of their Memorex
> discs had ever been supplied to the UK?

All credit to them if they do, but most manufactureres seem to have trouble
keeping track of what is shipped where once their initial delivery has been
made, especially with the advent of on-line purchasing.


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