Magic wrote:

>There were a few discs of that type mixed in with the type I have in >the 
>shop stock, and they *did* all arrive in the same package from >the 
>warehouse. The discs I had were all of the type in the top >picture on the 
>web page you sent, yes.

Hmmm.  A (small?) shipment made up off discs of different ages from 
different manufacturers arriving at the same time? Whatever.  Usually the 
least you can buy wholesale is a shrinkwrapped 'bale' of 1000. This consists 
of 10 boxes of 100 which are themselves usually 20 boxes of 5.  These don't 
usually get split then mixed'n'matched.  Most Richer Sounds branches get 
2000 discs a week, and they're not split either. I guess your little shop's 
just special then ;-)


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