Hello.  I recently obtained two albums that are only available on MD.  The
only catch is that I don't have an MD player (and no offense to anyone here,
but I have no need for an MD player/recorder at the moment) and I live in a
backwoods area where MD is virtually unknown.  Would anyone be willing to do
straight digital copies to CD-R?  I just want a straight digital transfer
with no need for normalization and the track marks "carried over" to the CD
if possible.  (I had the MD's transferred once, but despite the guy's claim
that he did a digital dub, the levels were horrendous and the CD was just
one track.)  If anyone can do this, please get in touch with me.  I'd be
happy to pay for materials and postage.

In case anyone here has ethical objections, rest assured that these CD's
will not be copied for anyone else and are just for my personal pleasure.

Thanks, and I apologize if these messages are unwelcome here.  I'm just
getting tired of studio quoting high prices or refusing to do the transfers


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