Magic wrote:

> > does anyone have an idea what could be going wrong with this set up?
> Yes. Your expert knows sod-all about the PCI bus and video cards. This is a common
> problem with PCI sound cards, and is actually caused by video card drivers. 

It also aflicts ISA cards.

> The video
> card driver hogs the PCI bus (the data lines along which the various cards in your PC
> communicate with CPU and memory) for longer than it should do. The result is that all
> other cards in the system suffer timing problems. 

It is a result of the drivers sending more commands to the card then its
input que can handle, meaning that the last command sits on the bus
tying it up untill there is room in the card for accept it. All that for
maybe 1 or 2 fps more.

> The only time you notice this is on
> output devices such as sound cards. 

And software modems, which will usually disconnect. After all they are
only a fancy soundcard that connects to a phone line.

> THe solution isn't very simple. You can try
> updating video card drivers, turning down hardware acceleration in the display
> settings, or as a last resort replacing the video card. Unfortunately manufactureres
> don't tell you if their drivers hog the PCI bus or not, so you need to find a
> newsgroup dedicated to video cards and ask for recommendations.

No, Nag the video card vendor about it not being PCI compliant.  Its
great when both sound and video are made by the same people (Diamond) -
they cant pass the buck.

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