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Hi everyone!

I had called into the MDCP and read the interesting review for the Sony
MDS-DRE1 in relation to its use by dance callers. The revoew had described
how the DRE1 was able to work effectively with dance tunes for various
calling styles. One of the usage techniques included the division of a song
into three parts -- beginning, main aspect and end. This allowed the caller
to start the song in to the main aspect, lock the unit on REPEAT amd SINGLE
PLAY as she engaged in "patter calling". Then, when it was time to get the
dancers off the tune, she released both modes and let the player roll on to
the song's coda.

Other features of interest included use of the REPEAT mode for background
music during dinner and use of the DRE1's cueing assets to line up the song

I would like to see some more interesting usage stories posted up on the
MDCP about how people have used their MiniDisc equipment in situations which
exemplify the format's assets; and any special assets that particular pieces
of equipment had.

For example, have any aerobics instructors and phys-ed teachers used
MiniDisc to play the upbeat backing tracks for class participants to
exercise to, and how have they benefited from the format in this

With regards,

Simon Mackay

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