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Well the Mz-r91 has been out for a cuple monthes (in japan). I haven't =
many posts regarding it. I thought either no one had it yet or no one =
problems with it. If you do have this unit, I would like to know if you =
it...or have any problems with it? Anything about it...I ordered one. I
would also like to know where you bought it. Is it very good compared to
your other unit (if you had another MD before this one)? Is there any
annoying flaws with the 91? I would like to see more posts on this =
just to get the hype up on it. Also, if you do have this unit did you =
any problems with any media yet? I plan to be recording from stereo
digitally and from my standalone DVD player because it will read =
CD-RW's. I
plan to buy a sound card with a digital out as soon as possible. Well I
would love to hear anything about the 91 as you can see I'm kind of =
to get it.


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