First, I need to add my 2 cents on the issue of why
MD: Audio Quality or Portablility.  For me,
portability is not the reason for going MD.  I have a
CD player in the car, and a portable, and both do me
quite nicely, thank you.  Audio Quality is, of
course,important.  But again , if it were the only
consideration, I would stick with CDs.  For me, it's
the conveniences of the format that sold me on it.  I
like the smaller size of the media (not for
portability; but for storage.  I want to archive my
1,000s of LPs and many of my 1,000s of cassette
recordings; as well as combine favorite CD tracks onto
one location.  Also, the titling was a big seller. 
Imagine listening to 74 minutes of 15th - 16th century
works, which are all 4-6 minutes in length.  Sure
would be nice to know what one is listening to without
having to compare track #s to a CD insert.  I also
like the fact that they are rerecordable.  nice to
know that if I make a mistake, I haven't just added
another coaster to my collection.  Or maybe I've jst
come across a track that I like better than one that I
originally put on a disc.  Yes, the medium is just
more fun and more convenient.

That being said, I am real close to abandoning the MD
format in favour of CDRs.  I just bought a Sharp MT-15
(my first venture into the world of MDs).  I made a
recording on Saturday with which I am very
disappointed.  The recording came from a very well
recorded cassette.  I patched the RCA cables from the
cassette into the minidisc input of the MD, and made
my first recording.  The quality stinks.  The
recording is of acoustic guitar and vocals.  The
vocals sound fine (I have worked with these people,so
I know their voices very well); but the guitar sounds
terrible.  All of the overtones seem to be gone;
robbing a lovely sounding instrument of its character
(I played the recording for the performer who said the
guitar sounded like a ukelele).  Also, recording is
lacks the definition of the original cassette.

Now I know that I should have tried a digital
recording.  But I couldn't.  I don't have any
equipment (currently) with a digital output).  I took
the MD recorder to the radio station where I work, and
tried it there.  The only equipment at the station
that had a digit output that would work with the MD
was a DAT machine.  I tried hooking up the DAT via an
optical cable that I bought; but the MD didn't know
that the connection was made.  I had the same trouble
with a mini plug to mini plug cable that I bought to
play the MD through the aux jack on my car CD player.

My question: Is the compression responsible for the
terrible quality recording?  Is it that I started with
an analogue source (still a bad thing because I want
to record many analogue sources as noted above). 
Audio Quality must be close to a CD or I abandon the
format regardless of conveniences.

I have about 3 weeks during which I can return this
unit; so any recommendations would be appreciated.

Thanks, James

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