An ignorant list member wrote:
Please read

You will notice that the rights to copy any
copyrighted work are EXCLUSIVE to the copyright owner,
and since you do NOT own the copyright, you are
breaching that copyright, and therefor(e) breaking the

As you say, the law is quite simple in this area, but
you still seem to be having difficulty. I suggest you
read the *whole* document and not just the section you
think may excuse you from breaching copyright. I know
people in the US who have sued for breach of
copyright, and quoting what you just quoted there
didn't help them one bit. When read in context the
passage you quoted has no relevance to you breaching
copyright at all, all it does is protect the
manufacturer and supplier from prosecution via your

Hey I can read too.  I guess this all depends on your
defintion of the word "break".  If I can't be
prosecuted for "breaking" the law, am I really
breaking it ?  The fact remains that it says "or based
on the noncommercial use by a consumer of such a
device or medium for making digital musical recordings
or analog musical recordings."  That would be the act
of using these devices.  So, even if I "break" the so
called copyright laws by using my MD.  I can't be
prosecuted (what else do you thing the "No action may
be brought under this title..." part means?).  I have
paid a fine when I purchased my blank MDs that goes
into a general fund (as set up by the AHRA) which is
then distributed to the artists (based on sales) to
cover their royalty losses due to the use of covered
devices.  (this is all covered under the AHRA perhaps
you should read the whole thing).  As a result I can
copy to MD all I want as I have already paid for my
right to do so.

     If I were to interpret the law as you and the
other idiots on the list suggest, there is absolutely
no legal use for recordable MD or audio tape other
than recording your own orignal music.  99.99% of the
people who own these devices aren't doing that.  Do
you really think that Sony and the rest of the
manufacturers would be allowed to sell a device that's
only use violates copyright law?  I certainly don't. 
The AHRA protects the consumers and the manufacters
from the legal idiots like yourself and your
counterparts in the RIAA who are greedy self obsessed
pocketlining morons.

     What I really don't understand here is why some
of the people on the list are near militant over
preventing me and other people from using stuff they
bought.  I'm not telling you to go out and copy music
(which the law says I can).  If you don't want to,
fine don't, but this the US, and we aren't a bunch of
socialist yet, so you can't tell me what I can and
can't do.  You're not losing money over this, heck no
one is losing money over this.  Congress has done
studies that are at worst inconclusive, but more
realisticly seem to indicate that casual copying of
music helps CD sales rather than hurting it.  I bet
not one of you has a vested interest in the copying of
music, but yet you will defend the record company's
bottom line as if it were your very own.  That to me
is unfathomable.  Do you drive around the roads by
your house making sure other people don't speed too? 
Do you report people for littering?

Perhaps some of you need to grow up and accept that
reguardless of whether what I do is legal or not (and
believe me it is legal) it isn't your place to try to
make hold to your beliefs or your job to enforce them
on me.  That is the job of our government, not you. 
Perhaps you should leave the enforcement of the laws
to the government.

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