Matt wrote,

| That doesn't surprise me at all. I wrote to Sony telling them of my plans
| for a titling system for Sony portables I have just got working on my PC.
| They offered me £100 for the plans and rights. £100?!?! They have to be
| kidding, they'd probably sell 3 and make that back in profit! I told them to
| contact me again when they have a serious offer, but I know they wont. They
| think they can walk up to just anybody and we'll all drop on our knees and
| praise the great God Sony.

Maybe it was more a case of making you an offer you couldn't accept; perhaps
it is Japanese etiquette that a person should not say no to an offer but
rather imply refusal by coaxing the other party to withdraw it, and such an
indirect, roundabout procedure sounds pointless to us Occidentals, but that
was their way of saying they weren't interested?

Then again it might not have anything to do with Japanese practices but just
be the Sony way.  I can think of at least one American company that does the
same thing.

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