
About whether prices on websites (or elsewhere) are legally binding
in Britain, I had this experience in Dixons a few years ago.

I wander in to browse with a particular interest in memory modules
for the Psion3a organiser to see just how much more they cost there
than by mail order.

To my surprise a 512K RAM module is priced at ukp80, rather than
the ukp130 it usually sells for, perhaps ukp110 at best by mail order.
Wow-- it's obvious some assistant read the price of the 512K Flash
module which is a lot cheaper and stuck that on.  So I buy it.  When
he inputs the item in the till it comes up at the much higher price, so
he calls the store manager who after a quick think put a "special
discount" entry on the purchase to make it the lower price.

Once I had bought the item, I confessed I knew all along it was
incorrectly priced and enquired whether they were obliged to honor
the price displayed (I had thought they were).

I was told by the manager they need not sell it, but must then remove
it from sale for 24 hours before redisplaying at the correct price.  I
was told the same thing when buying my Washer/Dryer at another
shop (underpriced about ukp150-- they'd forgotten the sale ended
some time back).

In both cases they honored the price as they weren't really making
a loss (but very little profit either), however selling the battery for
free and ukp1 postage would be a definite loss.  If they spot the
error I bet they cancel the order.  However many companes give
free carraige on net purchases and I bet that's because it saves
their staff inputting details-- you may find no-one spots the bargain
battery until it's too late :-)  Once they've charged your card and
shipped it-- I bet theres no legal way they can demand it back.

Thats what I think anyway!

PrinceGaz -- "if it harms none, do what you will"
Website: http://website.lineone.net/~princegaz/
ICQ: 36892193

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