Can someone guess what surely obvious elementary error I'm making, perhaps
from hearing about others who were in this position, or from having been

I'm trying for the first time to record with Windows Sound Recorder or Cool
Edit 2000 (the trial version, which I'm not sure *can* record, but surely
Windows Sound Recorder can).  The analog output of my MD player is connected
to the line-in of my soundcard, and I can hear the MD play through the com-
puter speakers, but when I tell Sound Recorder to record, it saves a silent
signal.  Is there some input selector that I overlooked, perhaps?  Also, it
seems unwilling to record more than sixty seconds at a time; maybe .wav for-
mat is wrong and I have to pick another?  The longest track runs almost five

That isn't much to go on, but it's all I can think of.  I'm desperate to get
these files saved by Sunday evening (UTC -6) and am totally lost.  Any assis-
tance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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