Today  i got my sharp ms-702 from the US.
i live in israel so it took awhile to get it, anyway when i got it i
recorded some stuff with no problem.
i love the sharp it has great sound and an easy interface(besides a little
issue with the titling)
but there's a weird weird problem with the playback.
when i start playing, after about track 5 it gets stuck! and i mean stuck as
hell, it goes 1 second, waits 3 and again and again. the i tried checking it
in several angles and in a certain angle it works fine(!!!!) WTF?!?
i thought it was something with the head so i tried calibrating the head
like it said in the Service function on the webpage.
it didn't fuck up anything but still... the playback gets stuck!
i really don't want to send it back, anybody knows anything???!?!

~~Crazy GErbil
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