Hi.  This has probably been asked a thousand times. I have been away
from the list for a long time so I apologize for asking again.

Simply put, how do you convert MP3 tiles to CD audio files so that you
can create audio CDs that can be played on a standard CD player.

Is there software that does this?

I had an other thought while I am talking about MP3 files. If you wanted
to use an MD recorder to record MP3 files directly, couldn't they use
software similar to that used in the Rio??  With a USB connection you
should be able to copy "digital" MP3 file.  Or would it require the use
of data MDs??  That would spoil ideal.

Right now to copy MP3 files to the Rio you use special RAM that has the
ability to store information after the unit is turned off (like the
memory in digital recorders).  The problem is that this RAM is very
expensive.  For $3 or less you can buy 74 minutes of MD.

I am going to make a complete ass of myself by assuming that MP3 is
decoded to PCM so that we can hear it. If that is the case, then a high
quality sound card with a digital optical output should allow the
transfer.  The problem here is that you are decoding MP3 files (in my
humble opinion a poorer compression technique then ATRAC) to PCM.
Sending this to an MD recorder and encoding ATRAC only to eventually be
decoded to PCM again.

Remember standard MD recorders are not capable of reading ATRAC encoded
information at their input.  They can only read PCM, which is the
standard output of CD players.

Under the right conditions, MD could still be the choice of music
storage (for personal use) for the near future.  I doubt that RAM prices
are going to drop to $3 for 74 minutes any time soon.  Flash cards and
Smart media are expensive.


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