Just picked up 3 2-pack's from work. TDK MD-XG 80 in a 2 pack with a bonus 6
disc carrying case (opens like a book, stores 6 discs without their
sleeves). The (totally transparent) sleeves themselves seem to open up like
a book. The MD still slides in and out as per usual. But the reason behind
it opening is so that you can write on the backing/carrier sheet for the
stickers. Once you've used the stickers, the other side of the carrier
actually has lines on it like your cassette (YEECH!) slips, so that way you
can write up your track list for the sleeve itself rather than sticking
labels on it. Not a bad idea that. Not bad at all.

You can also buy them individually without the bonus case, but in my
situation, where I purchase them at below retail as part of the employee
purchase scheme, it was 20c cheaper to go for the 2-pack. The MD-XG 74's are
actually cheaper for me to buy individually rather than in their 2-pack form
(which has no included bonus).

Now I can finally record Dream Theater's "Metropolis 2" in its entire 77:14
length! 3#-)


---------------  TAMA - The Strongest Name in Drums  ---------------

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