At 18:17 02/04/00 -0400, you wrote:

>Can someone please explain to me how there could possibly be any
>difference between digital transmission by coaxial versus TosLink?  I
>would assume that the exact same data is transferred, and that error
>correction would insure that no data is lost, and yet I read in this
>high-end stereophile book a statement that toslink gives inferior bass
>and imaging, or some such.  Is this for real?

Absolute bulls***. Digital is digital, no matter what medium you transmit 
it through. It's the same signal travelling through the medium - the only 
difference being that with co-ax it's in an electrical form, whereas with 
fibre, it's in the form of light pulses.

Optic fibre is totally immune to electrical interference, but transmission 
distance can be dependant on the quality of fibre, terminations, etc. Both 
are perfectly fine for everyday hi-fi/computer use.

AES/EBU, which is where S/PDIF came from, uses a twisted-pair balanced line 
to send the same kind of information, but because of the noise immunity 
characteristics of twisted-pair transmission lines, and the specification 
requirements of the AES/EBU standard, the data can be transmitted over a 
much greater distance than co-ax S/PDIF.

I really wish people wouldn't write such rubbish in books - I can't believe 
people think it's possible for an optical connection to have inferior bass 

It's the same with these expensive interconnects and speaker cables - 
interconnects are interconnects, no matter whether they cost 2 quid or 2000 
quid, and the best speaker cable in the world is mains cable (2.5mm twin + 
earth is ideal). That's another topic altogether...



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