Well, all reports were that the MZ-R91 and R90 were functionally
"identical", but I've found one thing that suggests otherwise:

The VU (level) meter is calibrated differently on the two units.  Read on:

The R90's (at least MY R90, this might not be the case with newer units)
level meter will hit the ninth (and final) bar regularly, while "OVER" is
somewhere to the right of the final bar, making it difficult to measure
whether a recording is going OVER or not.  This is unlike the R55, where 0dB
was between the 8th and 9th bars, and OVER was indicated by the ninth bar
(this was much easier to read).

The 91 (at least my roommate's R91) is calibrated like the R55, where the
8th is about as high as it goes normally, and OVER is indicated by the 9th

I have compared a number of discs between the two units, and on all of them,
the 9th bar on the R90's meter corresponds to the 8th bar of the R91.

Well, this is a major difference to me, as I have found the R90's VU meter
almost useless in some cases because I can't tell if I'm going OVER or not.
In this sense I would say the R91 is better, but some might not care.
Anyway, just reporting my findings... If anyone with a newer (US model?) R90
can tell me if perhaps this has been changed with the newer releases, I
would like to know. (as in, does the 9th bar on the meter get hit regularly,
or does it almost never get hit? Even at the highest recording level?)

Oh yeah, the R91 I tested is faster to detect NO DISC than my R90 by 2
seconds, but that's really not worth knowing...

--Brian Youn--
The University of Texas at Austin
Electrical and Computer Engineering, 4th Year
Go Lakers!

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