A few months ago one of our members posted a thread stating that he had
written an ATRAC coder in software, and that all the information needed to
implement it was readily available. Well I am a computer sci/eng student so
I figured, why not. And I have spent several months learning the math I
needed to deal with the theory involved with all of this. And I have
succeeded in writting an ATRAC software implementation, with one caveat. He
stated that he had problems with window size selection, I solved that
problem (with ALOT of help from a very generous discrete signal theory
professor at a distant university). But what I cannot solve is that the
ATRAC spec calls for a QMF analysis/synthesis bank, in order for these to
work properly, the analysis equation used must be the correct pair for the
synthesis bank. No one has published (as far as I can find) the synthesis
algorithm for ATRAC decoders. I was wondering if anyone knew the answer to
this as it is the last step I need to finish my coder.

Thanks For The Help,
        RJ Kirkland
        USF Engineering

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