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P A K I S T A N   V I R T U A L - A V I A T I O N

Download FREE Add-ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator!

What is Pakistan Virtual Aviation?

Pakistan Virtual Aviation (PVA) is one of a few Virtual Aviation
sites that are dedicated to providing realistic Add-ons/Plugins
for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Like most Virtual Aviation sites,
PVA is a Non-Profit site, all downloads are "Freeware".

Flight-Simulator Programmers from around the world have contributed=20
to this collection.

What are Add-ons?

Microsoft Flight Simulator, has been designed to allow the FS
Developer to create flight Models, Scenery, Checklists and Texture
(for both Aircraft and Scenery). This provides a great base for
expansion of Flight Simulator, mainly in order to create more
detail on particular scenery areas, and add extra aircraft.

Please come and visit my Web Site.


Kind Regards

Jamie Al-Nasir
Founder Pakistan Virtual-Aviation

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